Temporary Total Permanent Disability

Total Disability Deferment

Federal Perkins loans do not qualify for Temporary Total Disability Deferments. Please complete an Economic Hardship Deferment application.

Eligibility for University Loans

You must be:

  • temporarily totally disabled; or
  • unable to secure gainful employment because you are providing care such as continuous nursing or other similar services, required by a spouse or dependent who is temporarily totally disabled.

Additionally, to qualify for a temporary total disability deferment, your loan must be paid to the start of the deferment period.


You are temporarily totally disabled if you are, due to illness or injury, unable to attend an eligible school or be gainfully employed during a reasonable period of recovery.

You may receive deferment for temporary total disability of a spouse or dependent if the spouse or dependent requires continuous nursing or other services from you for a period of at least three months due to an illness or injury.

The definition of dependent for temporary total disability deferment purposes is the same as the definition used in the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Grace Period

You will receive an additional six-month grace period. Payments are not required and interest will not accrue during the post-deferment grace period.

Application Process

Provide a signed affidavit from a qualified physician specifying the following:

  • nature of the illness/injury
  • that the illness/injury is a TOTAL disablement
  • the start and expected end date of the total disability

Mail or fax the documentation to:

Penn State University
Student Financial Services
108 Shields Building
664 Curtin Road
University Park, PA 16802

Fax: 814-865-6535

You must apply for a temporary total disability deferment each year.