External Awards

Organizations, agencies and donors offer scholarship opportunities to students who demonstrate scholastic merit or meet other specific eligibility criteria.

The entity awarding the scholarship, not Penn State, is responsible for selecting the candidate and determining the value of the award. An external award may be split between semesters (fall/spring) based on the specifications provided by the donor/sponsor.


As soon as you receive an award check, send it to our office so it can be reflected on your tuition bill. Students typically receive a letter of notification about a scholarship or award prior to receiving the funds. Please retain these letters for your records and contact your awarding organization to send funds to Penn State.

Our office enters awards as promptly as possible and in the order received. Your tuition bill will reflect the award once the funds have been received and processed by our office. Due to heavy volume during the months of July, August, November, and December, it can take a few weeks for the award to appear on your tuition bill. The earlier you submit checks, the more likely your award will be reflected on your initial bill.

If a check is made payable to you and Penn State, please be sure to endorse the check before sending it to us. Also, include your name and PSU ID on the memo line. If a check is not endorsed properly, University Park students will receive an email notifying them that their check needs to be signed at 103 Shields Building. We will send all other checks to your commonwealth campus and they will notify you. This may delay the posting of the award to your student account. If an awarding entity sends a check directly to our office that needs to be endorsed, we will follow the same procedures as stated above.

You will be responsible for the balance of your bill. A refund will be issued for any credit balance.

External awards do not appear as anticipated aid. 


Penn State
Office of the Bursar
Attn: External Awards
109 Shields Building
664 Curtin Road
University Park, PA 16802
Fax: 814-865-6535


Some awarding entities require us to send an invoice before they provide us with payment. This is normally true for school districts paying for their teachers and military reimbursement programs.

To ensure the timely processing of these invoices, please mail or fax all necessary paperwork to: 

Penn State 
Office of the Bursar
Attn: External Awards
109 Shields Building
664 Curtin Road
University Park, PA 16802
Fax: 814-865-6535

For more Information about Outside Scholarships visit the Office of Student Aid.