Can my federal aid funds cover other charges on my student account (other than tuition, fees, and housing and food)?

The University allows departments to assess other educationally related charges to your student account in order to consolidate billing. Some of these charges might include parking permit fees, health center charges, library fees and other miscellaneous charges. Federal Title IV financial aid funds will not automatically pay other educationally related charges; however, if you are a recipient of Federal aid funds, you may voluntarily give the University permission to pay these other educationally related charges from your federal aid funds. Please note, per federal regulations there are some fees that cannot be paid with Federal Title IV financial aid funds, even if you provide authorization in writing, such as, late registration fee, add/drop fee, service fee, installment payment plan fee, late fees, return item fee, and stop payment fee. To authorize Federal aid funds please follow these steps:

  1. Students will need to log in to their Student Home Base in LionPATH
  2. Click on "My Finances" on top of the page
  3. Click on "Permission to Use Federal Aid"
  4. Click on "Grant Permission"
  5. Follow instructions to submit request

You have the right to rescind your approval by contacting the Bursar's Office. If you rescind your approval, you will not be able to grant permission again for the same semester.